Hair Replacement

Hair loss is not something to be ashamed about. Almost 40% of men over age 35 experience balding, and studies show that 20% of women suffer from symptoms of hair loss. The most common cause of hair loss is genetic - with genes contrbuting to 95% of all cases in the US. Other causes of hair loss could include diet, stress, illness, or other factors.

Don't settle for hair loss, call HairWorks today

No matter what the cause, you need to know that there are ways to get your hair back! At HairWorks we do custom nonsurgical hair replacements. There's no pain, and it works. Over the past 15 years we've helped thousands of clients feel great about their hair again with our custom hair replacements. Our process can give you the natural look you want, with the flexibility to run, swim, and do all the things you love.

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Treatments | Rogaine & Propecia

Rogaine and Propecia are both medical solutions to hair loss. Before beginning use consult with your doctor to find out whether it's recommended in your situation, to review potential risks and side effects, and to see if it will interact with any other medications you may be taking.


Propecia is an oral medication used to treat male pattern baldness

Propecia, Proscar, and Finasteride are available by perscription, and approved by the FDA to treat male pattern baldness. It's the first approved drug that has effectively treated male pattern baldness in a majority of the men tested. Each contains 1 mg of Finasteride, which when taken daily reduces the amount of DHT produced in the scalp by about 60% and stops the progression of male pattern baldness in 86% men. Male pattern baldness is caused by increased production of DHT in the hair follicles, which makes finasteride so effective. If use is discontinued, though, results may not be maintained.


Propecia is an oral medication used to treat male pattern baldness

Rogaine is a topical treatment that is rubbed into the scalp and can be used to treat male pattern baldness and thinning hair in women. It is not used for baldness at the front of the scalp or for cases of receding hairlines. The treatment contains 2% of Minoxidil for women's use, and 5% for men's use. When discontinued hair loss will return to normal rate in 2-3 months.

The best results for Rogaine have been reported when users combined use with Propecia and Nizoral shampoo. When combined hair loss is fought on three levels:
(1) Propecia stopps new hair loss
(2) Rogaine helps grow new hair
(3) Shampoo strengthens scalp immunity
Before beginning any regimens remember to discuss with your doctor.
